Monday, June 20, 2011

i found you!!

i juz found my old blog which i left it 2 years ago.
so da most reason why i left it = i couldn't remember my password so i decided to make a new blog with a new account.

so yesterday, as i was soo bored lying on the bed doing nothing, suddenly i was like 'eh,dulu mcm ade blog lame but ape name die ek??' so i started googling anything that i can relate to my old blog and there is only 1 sentence that came by 'juz do wut your mama say'..but then i couldnt found it.last2 br nk try kt t' i type my email and i change 2 a new pasword and tadaaa 'i found it!' i laugh when i see it is actually ''

this blog will be opened to all reader out there and no more private2..


  1. Lol ko patot tanye aku je. Sape2 aku kenal aku simpan link blog masing2, baik lame baik baru.

    Ye, aku stalker LOL

    Pe cer ko?

  2. woit woit..hahahhaa aku br pasan r komen kowang..
    syok ek ko jumpe penguin..jeles2!!!
